09january 2011 part1

on the day 2 we visiting the KAA museum and we do some interview and project there :) this museum have a great historical story and we can get many information from the local tourguide

after visiting this historical museum we go to pagoda restaurant to have our lunch,this restaurant serve cjinese food and it's very delicious :p,after lunch we have to interview some distro near the restaurant and we do shopping thing too :D the distro have very branded clothes,and it's very cheap for teenager,many distro in Bandung build by young businessmana and women especially the teenagers in Bandung design their own t-shirt and design the logo for their own distro!its so creative :)
we continue to the Geology museum,we have to do so many project there.we have to interview many people there.this museum is the bigest geology museum in asia,and this museum have never rebuilt since the colonial time wow cool right ;p

we continue to the C.59 printing process,this company have a good impact for it own city and also have many good impacts for the teenagers because we can fill our creative by make a t-shirt design and we can also sell it in the branded distro that have a partner work with c.59:)this company have a history too

Beginning with the courage partner Marius Widyarto Wiwied (owner C59) and Maria Goretti (Wife of Wiwied mas), which bought a sewing machine, and two engines obras, money which is the result of selling their wedding on 12 1980 0ktober ago, founded the Company C59 . which then in each such date in C59 commemorate the day Birthdays

C59 own company name comes from the home address, where Mr. Wiwied, and mother of Mary the first time live, namely Caladi No.59, Bandung.

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