Nearly 75 million people visited twitter's site in January

After hitting a flat spot last fall, Twitter’s worldwide growth is pointing in the right direction again. According to worldwide comScore figures released today, Twitter’s own site attracted 73.5 million unique individuals in January, up 8 percent from December, 2009 (when it had 65.2 million visitors). Its annual growth rate is still a phenomenal 1,105 percent. A year ago, Twitter.com attracted only an estimated 6 million visitors.
Large sites like Twitter and Facebook before it tend to grow in step-like patterns, with bursts of growth followed by periods of flatness during which the site absorbs its new users and adapts to their needs. Twitter has certainly been improving the functionality of its own site, with the rollout of new features such as local trends a better suggested user list, Twitter Lists, and theRetweet button. Maybe all that work is starting to pay off.
ComScore only estimates activity on Twitter’s own site. Usage across other desktop, Web, and mobile apps may be twice as large as on Twitter itself. In January, CEO Ev Williams noted that the service had its best day ever, and Royal Pingdom estimates that it passed 1 billion tweets a month in December, and grew to about 1.2 billion Tweets in January, 2009.


Google stops censoring in China :o

Google (GOOGFortune 500) is now redirecting its Chinese users to its Hong Kong site, google.com.hk, which offers uncensored search results, according to Google's company blog. Google's search site for Chinese users is now hosted on servers that are in Hong Kong.Until Monday, Google had been censoring certain search results on google.cn, in accordance with Chinese laws.

Now that Google is not hosting its search operations within mainland China, Google no longer needs to adhere to China's censorship laws. It is now up to the Chinese government to block access to the results it finds objectionable.
Currently, users are able to search for any term they like, including "controversial" subjects such as Tiananmen Square massacre," "Falun Gong" or "Dalai Lama," and all the results are being displayed, reports CNN's Beijing bureau. But when users try to click on one of those results, they are sent to pages that say "connection to server has been reconnected" or "that page is not available."
The arrangement is similar to how Chinese users have long been able to access Google's main search page, the uncensored google.com: The Chinese government allows access to some result pages and blocks pages it does not want its users to see.
"We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China, yet the Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement," the company said in its blog post.
The company said it "very much hopes" that the government of China respects its decision, though it is "well aware" that the Chinese authorities could block access to its services for users within the country's borders.
Shares of Google, which were up as much as 1% before the announcement, fell 0.4% Monday. Chinese rival Baidu (BIDU) fluctuated wildly after Google made its announcement, falling into negative territory before nearly rising back to its daily highs as it closed out the session up 2%

10January 2011

this is our last day in bandung :'(
the school take us to primarasa bakery to shop for our families and relatives,in this bakery we can find a lot kind of cake from tart to pudding,i brough so many cake for my mom because we like to eat :p
we continue our last day to saung udjo.Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) is an integrated venue consisting of:venue, bamboo handicraft center and a bamboo instrument. This is exactly what makes the SAU as a center for education and research angklung - Sundanese art and culture.SAU was founded in 1966 by Udjo Ngalagena along with his beloved wife, Uum Sumiati. With a strong will and dedication to preserve and develop traditional Sundanese arts and culture.SAU illustrate the nature and culture in harmony, not surprisingly, SAU become a tourist destination destination Sundanese culture as a world heritage.Located in the eastern Bandung area, SAU is the perfect place to enjoy fresh air and beauty of the bamboo crafts and the music of bamboo instruments.
it's almost time to go home,we went back to jakarta after watch the pemormance in saung udjo.i'm gonna miss bandung so much:'(

09january 2011 part2

woo hoo this is the moment that i'm waiting for FREE TIME :D
finally Bandung the fashion city,we went to rumah mode to have our freetime there.it was very fun and i'm so happy because in rumah mode the product that it sell have not very expensive prize but the brand of the product that is sell have a famous known by all people in Indonesia and in this rumah mode we can buy many kind of clothes from man to women,children to adult,bag to shoes and they have a reflexiology place and also restaurant :) we also spent our free time in the one famous mall in bandung call PVJ this mall is huge with many cafe and resto inside it and this mall also have many cute store to shop,i almost buy all thing in this mall because it's hard to find some cute things that we want in Surabaya,in Bandung i thing the prize is cheaper because some of the product are handmade :p

after this long day we got back to the hotel and rest for the next last day :D

09january 2011 part1

on the day 2 we visiting the KAA museum and we do some interview and project there :) this museum have a great historical story and we can get many information from the local tourguide

after visiting this historical museum we go to pagoda restaurant to have our lunch,this restaurant serve cjinese food and it's very delicious :p,after lunch we have to interview some distro near the restaurant and we do shopping thing too :D the distro have very branded clothes,and it's very cheap for teenager,many distro in Bandung build by young businessmana and women especially the teenagers in Bandung design their own t-shirt and design the logo for their own distro!its so creative :)
we continue to the Geology museum,we have to do so many project there.we have to interview many people there.this museum is the bigest geology museum in asia,and this museum have never rebuilt since the colonial time wow cool right ;p

we continue to the C.59 printing process,this company have a good impact for it own city and also have many good impacts for the teenagers because we can fill our creative by make a t-shirt design and we can also sell it in the branded distro that have a partner work with c.59:)this company have a history too

Beginning with the courage partner Marius Widyarto Wiwied (owner C59) and Maria Goretti (Wife of Wiwied mas), which bought a sewing machine, and two engines obras, money which is the result of selling their wedding on 12 1980 0ktober ago, founded the Company C59 . which then in each such date in C59 commemorate the day Birthdays

C59 own company name comes from the home address, where Mr. Wiwied, and mother of Mary the first time live, namely Caladi No.59, Bandung.

08 January 2011 part 1

in the first day i have to check in at Juanda International Airport at 05.30 a.m and my flight is at 7.20 a.m in the morning.i was so excited because honestly i never weent to Jakarta,i have been to Jakarta but just once and it is when i was baby so i can not remember anything.okay back to the fieldtrip!our flight is Garuda Indonesia and i was seated at 22 A

After we arive at Jakarta's airport we still have to wait our other friends and other teacher that take a second flight so we and the travel group gather together eat breakfast in A&W :D after it we devide into 8 groups and 3 bus,the travel that guide us from the day 1until 3 are Aero Trans travel
GMF AeroAsia is an international company that employs 2,500 employees based in Jakarta,indonesia it service airplanes of many types and is the largest aircraft maintenance facility in Asia.

we do some interview and we look into the new production of this airplanes,we do our first project there they are the general project(report) we alternately do the host and the person who explain what is all about the GMF:)

fieldtrip programs

My school is having a fieldtrip program,the school is going to go to Jakarta and Bandung for visiting some place and also giving us some work to do.I have do 6 projects they are general project(report),english project,geography project,sociology project and art project.We have t5o do this project with the basic from the rubric that our teacher gave.

 The day before the fieldtrip me and my friends are decide to have a sleepover at someone house so in the morning we can together went to the juanda international airport.after we make a deal with each other,we decide to have the sleepover at novia's house her house is near my house and she can also ask her driver to come to work in the early morning for taking us to the airport.That night we have so much fun and we have a blast too because in the 8 of january there also Felicia Gomesz birthday.so that night we have already prepare the birthday surprise for her :)


Welcome to my blog fellas:D

hi peeps,my name Cynthia Handranatan but you can call me ch or ceha or whatever you like as it cool to be heard and acceptable :) now i'm study @Cita Hati Senior High School,now i'm in grade 10 PreIB!
i have so many hobbies to share they are drawing,dancing,telling story(talkative) funny story,watching movie,doing sport,and last Listening to Music(with a high volume so don't disturb me when i listen to it LOL just joking peeps :):D i also have a dream and future job,i want to be architect and an interior designer +graphic designer :D wish me luck and pray for me ok !and i juust want to see welcome to my blog !
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